Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Resolution 2013

Well, here's to another year! Ready! Set! GO! Now, here's food for thought for everybody who decided to lose a few pounds or get back in shape for their resolution, just stop making plans! Now before I go any further let me clarify. When I mean stop making plans, I mean stop putting things off. For example, I'll start my routine on Monday. You know you won't if you have that mentality. What you need to do is stop thinking about it and put your plan into action. Get off the couch and go for a walk. Put down the remote and grab a weight. Don't fool yourself by saying I don't have time stop to think what you are doing. You got the clicker in your hand or a mouse just sitting in place. Now is the time! So for all those busy bodies that cannot make time here's a challenge. Start making time. If you cannot go to the gym or fit time in for P90X or Insanity try out this waight free workout. No equipment needed just you!

Weight free workout Day 1
Perform each workout in a circuit (one right after the next) doing 10-20 reps for each exercise except for pullups perform your max (do as many as you can) then repaet the circuit 2 more times

Donkey Kick
Dive-bomber Pushup
Dirty Dog
Hip Twist Ankle Hop
Back Extension
Wide Pushup
Side Crunch
Russian Twist
Reverse Crunch
Pulse Twist
Modified V-Sit

Perform Day 1 on Monday then perform Day 2 below on Wednesday then Day 1 on Friday alternate the workout next week by performing Day 2 first then day 1, etc. On days not performing circuit make sure to keep up with cardio by hiking, biking, walking, or even kayaking. The key is stay active!

Weight Free Workout Day 2

Plyo Pushup
Squat Jumps
Steam Engine
Elbow-to-Knee Crunch
Prone Flutter Kick
Hip Adduction
Side Leg Raise
Diamond Pushup
Rotation Pushup
Bird Dog

If you have a question about the workout feel free to email me!

"Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed. "
Cavett Robert

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